YOGA - Consistent yoga can reduce muscular stiffness in the later stages of your sleep. It's safe to say this stiffness can also become so intense it reduces the quality of your later half of sleep before awakening. Sure people can stretch out before bed, but when it comes to the true art of stretching, it's hard to find a sport more qualified than yoga. Like the loss of excess weight from fat cells, this greater flexibility also reduces muscular burdens such as toxins, lacking blood flow, and risks for complex
trigger-point knots that seriously disturb comfort. If you know you have trigger points, then check out the
Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. They require different exercise and stretching can ironically make them worse without breaking them down first. They are essentially gradually developed from a lack of stretching that can prevent them.

BREATHING EXERCISE - This is fantastic for combating insomnia (even immediately sometimes) and gaining deeper (sometimes lucid) sleep. I once came across some interesting information about lung maintenance and breathing enhancement exercises outside of the typical realm of exercise itself (such as running). The exercise I'm particularly fond of with great results (almost immediate when needed) involves a normal speed maximum inhale while you push the stomach out to allow air to reach lower parts of the lungs. By maximum, I mean inhale all the way, then 1 or 2 more tiny inhales to expand more. Then a slow pressure release exhale like a minor pressure release from an air compressor - all the way to fully empty lungs. Relax and feel for that right slow speed for the release (you'll know when you do it right). Repeat this anywhere from 10-20 times and you should begin to feel a very meditative effect on your whole body with a much greater sense of ease in the mind and physical body. Then do a quick 10 minute (estimate in your mind) meditation to let this exercise sink in. Unless you have a serious lung condition - then check with your doctor about this - otherwise give it a try. It helps increase the efficiency of your
bronchus and fine branches of air
bronchiloles of the lungs as well as loosening up stagnate air sacks in the lung walls. Out of all the breathing exercises I've read, this has got to be the best one yet.
MONTHLY MATTRESS FLIPS / REPLACE IT EVERY 5-10 YEARS - The title states it all. Flip your mattress (if it's made of springs) every month or so and make sure to get it replaced before it becomes 10 years old. Those springs can only remain springy for so long and they often have to be rebalanced every month or so with a flip for maximum output on their part. Simply put, you can feel the difference from each flip and a heavily used mattress certainly wont be as comfortable after 5 years of almost daily use.
See the full collection of Techie Sleep Tips
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